If you have discovered a problem with your board, this troubleshooting guide will help direct you to the correct help article.

PumpMy pump is not working

The gauge does not work

My pressure gauge is not working - what do I do?

PumpHose slips off of valveMore force is needed to attach the hose
Why does my pump hose keep slipping out and not attaching?

ValveAir is escaping from the string on the valve capYour valve has become looseHow to tighten the valve to stop leaks
ValveAir is escaping from around the outside edge of the valveYour valve has become looseHow to tighten the valve to stop leaks
BoardI have a pinhole punctureThe board has been pierced by a sharp objectHow do I patch a board?

PaddleThe paddle does not lock and slides up and downYou have not tightened the paddle clampThe clamp lifts up and turns like a spanner to tighten or loosen the grip.
How do I extend the paddle?